
Awards & media mentions for Game Theory .net.


Media mentions and features for Game Theory .net

Science Magazine


"A mixture of serious learning resources and fun stuff compiled by management professor Mike Shor" (NetWatch)
12 July 2002
Scientific American

Scientific American

"This extensive site provides plenty of other examples of Game Theory ... including lecture notes, quizzes and recent real-world examples ripped from the headlines."
May 2003
New Scientist

New Scientist

"The star category is possibly 'Game Theory in popular culture,' which lists movies and books in which game theory is featured in one way or another."
17 August 2002
MSNBC Cosmic Log


"When mathematicians talk about football and game theory, ... Vanderbilt economist Mike Shor applies the same theory to mixed strategies in football play selection."
31 December 2002
La Recherche

La Recherche (France)

"An entire site devoted to game theory tackles the subject in a playful way." [translation] in special issue on Science and War.
April-June 2002
Spider Internet Magazine


Pakistan's Internet Magazine reviews Game Theory .net in its Science Watch column.
March 2003
c|Net news.com

CNET News.com

"A Bayes Rule Applet on Gametheory.net lets you answer questions such as 'How worried should you be if you test positive for some disease?'"
18 February 2003
Australian Broadcasting Company

Australian Broadcasting Corporation

On-air mention of Game Theory .net during Fred Harden's Web Guide, "review the best of the web"
1 July 2002